Friday, April 5, 2013

TED Talk

Overall I thought that I had done a pretty good job on my talk. However there where a couple of things that if I were to do it again I would change. The thing that I think that I need to work on the most is my enthusiasm. As much as I try to sound excited and poised I feel as though they way I present sounds like I am just rambling on. My voice seemed robotic. I knew I was passionate about my project but I'm not sure how that came across to the audience. Another area that I struggled with was presenting my product. My product was not tangible. I couldn't hold it in front of a crowd and I had a tough time figuring out how to convey that idea. I explained my process and included a message that the audience should take away but I think my project should have been more centered around the message you should take away instead of explain your process.

My talk was definitely not perfect but I had put a lot of time in to it. If I could do it again I would definitely change a lot of things. I believe that I deserve a 26/30 on my TED talk.

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